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The Global Health Network WHO Collaborating Centre

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Terms of Submission

About these terms

The Global Health Network (“TGHN”) is a collaborative project involving research organisations from all over the world that aims to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing for global health. In order to achieve this objective, this website (the “site”) aims to establish communities of practice. This relies on the active engagement of the site’s users and their contribution of content to the site.

This page sets out the terms under which you may use the site to post, transmit, upload or otherwise submit any content or other material to the site (each a “contribution”). By submitting any contribution, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Submission.

Information about us

The University of Oxford (the “University”) is currently acting as the coordinator for the site infrastructure, but each community of practice is coordinated by a TGHN collaborator. A list of the current TGHN collaborators and the communities of practice they are coordinating is available here.

Any subsequent reference to the University in these terms shall include the TGHN collaborators from time to time involved in the project. However, unless expressly provided otherwise, the liability of TGHN collaborators in connection with TGHN or the site shall be several and extend only to any loss or damage arising out of their own acts and omissions.

All contributions

You will continue to own any intellectual property rights you hold in the contributions. The University only asks for a licence to use the contributions for the purposes set out in these Terms of Submission.

By making any contribution, you warrant that:

  • you have the legal right and the authority to make the contribution in accordance with these Terms of Submission; and
  • all contributions comply with the Acceptable Use Policy.

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • you are responsible for protecting and enforcing any intellectual property rights you hold in the contributions and the University has no obligation to do so on your behalf; and
  • the University may, without notice to you, reject refuse to use or delete any contribution at any time where it considers this to be reasonably necessary.

Public contributions

Most contributions are intended to be publicly disseminated. By submitting any such contribution, you grant to the University an irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, worldwide licence to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such contributions in connection with the TGHN project. This licence will include the right to use such contributions for the purposes of promoting and redistributing part, or all, of the site in any media formats and through any media channel.

Collaborative work spaces

Some of the site’s services may provide you with settings to narrow the scope of use granted to the University. Collaborative work spaces provide an area on the site for users to selectively share contributions and develop collaborative projects.

Although the University will use reasonable endeavours to protect any contribution you may submit to a collaborative work space, it does not guarantee the security of any contribution used in a collaborative work space: any contribution submitted to a collaborative work space is at your own risk.

You should not use the collaborative work spaces to upload any research data or other findings that identify, or could be used to identify, a living individual.

By submitting a contribution to a collaborative work space, you grant to the University a revocable, non-exclusive, worldwide licence to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, communicate, distribute and otherwise use such contributions for the purposes of providing the collaborative work space and enabling its functionality.

You may, at any time and for any reason, delete contributions from the collaborative work space and withdraw the University’s right to use such contributions, but you accept that such contributions may have been downloaded and used by other users in the collaborative workspace and the University has no control over the use of any contributions which may have been downloaded or copied from the collaborative work space by other users.

The University acknowledges the importance of preserving your access to contributions held in a collaborative work space. If no one has logged into a collaborative work space within 12 months or the University discontinues the provision of collaborative work spaces the University will, where reasonably possible, give you reasonable advance notice and a chance to remove any contribution from a collaborative work space.

Contact us

To contact us, please email