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The Global Health Network WHO Collaborating Centre

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About Us

SiteFinder is a free digital tool that connects researchers and institutions working in global health with potential partners, collaborators, sponsors or funding agencies.

SiteFinder aims to:

-Enable equity in access to research opportunities globally
-Foster faster progress in global health research by facilitating collaboration and funding opportunities.

How SiteFinder works:

-Add your site or study to the SiteFinder database
-Discover other sites or studies listed on SiteFinder including details such as clinical trials experience, interests, affiliation and language
-Use the search box to identify specific sites or studies
-Filter your search based on disease area, location and clinical facility
-Send a direct message to listed sites or studies for enquiries
-Download CSV data of sites based on your search.

Users can also see a map of all studies and site locations on SiteFinder here:

Who can use SiteFinder?

SiteFinder is completely free and accessible to all. To add a study or site you must be a member of The Global Health Network which is also free. Learn more about how to register here:

SiteFinder is a tool developed and managed by The Global Health Network for any queries please send an email to: