- Added 8 Nov 2015
IPSUM Santa Marta Calabazo Site
Ipsum is an organization that is dedicated to growing and supporting clinical work in Colombia. With a focus on tropical diseases, we assist health care firms in the development of their products, by formulating, setting-up and managing clinical trials, in ways that ensure customers satisfaction, to in the last term, facilitate the access of innovative products to the market.
Research Areas
Ethnobotany and ethnomedicine
Molecular Epidemiology
Metabolomics parasite
Diagnostics tests
Strategic orientation Disease Control Public Health Impact
New antiparasitics for the treatment of leishmaniasis and Chagas disease
New methods of vector control on malaria , dengue, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease
Development and evaluation of new drugs
Identification of Medicinal Plants (bioprospection)
Collection and evaluation of the specific activity of plant extracts in the laboratory
Preclinical and clinical phases
Animal experimentation
Pharmacodynamics studies
Research interests
Fundacion Salud para El Tropico
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Disease areas
- Chagas
- Dengue
- Enteric diseases
- Influenza
- Leishmaniasis
- Malaria
- Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
- Other
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
- Yellow Fever
- Zika
Other information
We are very interested in receiving new projects on Zika virus. We have several experienced investigators specialized in tropical disease at various research sites in endemic zones of Colombia. We have recently partenered with a biotech company from San Diego to develope a rapide diagnostic test for Zika. Other current projects are Zika patient recruitment for collecting sera, preparation for the first in human Zika drug trial and vaccine studies.

Contact this site
To: Michael, Running tropical disease focused clinical trials at IPSUM Santa Marta Calabazo Site
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